Celebrating Timaru’s Christian community -
now and in the future.
St Mary’s Anglican Church has since 1880 played a prominent role in the Timaru community. Beautifully situated on a hilltop in central Timaru, St Mary's is rich in tradition and history. Our open and inclusive congregation make us a welcoming spiritual home for the worship of God and the celebration of Timaru’s Christian community.
If you would like to receive a Pew News in your inbox, please contact Sharleyne Diamond - Parish Administrator at st.marys.timaru@xtra.co.nz and you will be added to our mailing list.
We will also send out from time to time updates and information that may be of interest to you. We will not be overloading your inbox and you have the option to unsubscribe at any time.
If you wish to update your details, be added to our Parish roll or seek assistance from Clergy in relation to Pastoral matters, please fill in a form at the entrance table. These can be handed in at offertory time or dropped into the letter box at the hall. All information is confidential.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
2nd February 2025; 8.00am, 10am & 5pm Evensong
Communion pg. 476 Hebrews 2: 14-18 Luke 2: 22-40
Sentence of the Day
Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in righteousness and true holiness. (Ephesians 4:23,24)
Collect of the Day
Everliving God,
your Son Jesus Christ was presented
as a child in the temple
to be the hope of your people;
grant us pure hearts and minds
that we may be transformed into his likeness,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
Weekly Prayer Group - 10am -10.30am, Thursdays.
As Christians we are called together as a praying community.
As part of our common life of prayer, the St Mary’s Prayer Group meets weekly in the church at 10.00am on Thursdays. You are welcome to join us, to come and hold a time of prayer and intercession for both specific needs and for the wider needs of our world.
The prayer meeting lasts for half an hour and we hope to see you there.
These are held every Friday at 12pm and are a moment to share prayers for the hope of peace and reconciliation in the world.
All are welcome.
"God, we believe that you call us together to pray for peace in the world.
We believe that you call us to help in healing the many wounds of society and in reconciling people to each other and to God. Help us, as individuals and together, to work, in love, for peace and never to lose heart."
Elder Care: An Elder Care Group — providing friendship, help, and support for people aged over 65 — is coming to Timaru.
Supported by the three local Anglican Parishes and Anglican Care, the group will meet at St John’s Church, Wai-iti Road on Mondays (1.00pm-3.00pm).
Elder care is currently looking for guests, as well as volunteers to assist with transport, afternoon tea, and spending time with guests in the group.
For more information, contact Margot Goodman 03 684 4323 or
021 0239 4850 (Timaru Co-ordinator & Deacon at Marchwiel).
Our Church
Discover more about our beautiful church and its significant place in Timaru's history.
Our Services
Join us for our Sunday services or Friday noon prayers.
Your Wedding
St Mary's is a unique and welcoming venue with a variety of options to suit your special day.